
When left alone, many puppies become anxious and exhibit unwanted behaviors such as barking, chewing on furniture, or littering. Being a sociable animal, especially when very young and vulnerable, being isolated can be very disturbing. Puppies need to learn to deal with the insecurity that comes with being alone.

As long as you have enough patience and the right method, it is not too difficult to teach a puppy to get used to being left alone at home.

It may be difficult for insecure puppies to learn to be alone confidently until they are mature, but if they are acclimated earlier, the puppy will be better able to learn to be alone.


If you and your family are usually too busy to be at home with your puppy, it is especially important to teach your puppy to accept being alone. In a puppy’s life, there may be a lot of time without the company of humans and need to be alone. Puppies learn to be alone better when they are young than when they are adults.

If you have another dog in the house, it is also very important for the puppy to learn to be alone. Because once it is used to being accompanied by a companion, it is difficult for the puppy to accept life without a companion, and it is equally restless to leave the companion.


Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate the puppy’s independent character in order to prevent it from being unable to adapt to life because its companion leaves in the future.

Once the puppy has gotten used to your presence with your family and begins to roam the house at will, start leaving it alone in the room for a few minutes;

Provide a comfortable cushion for him to rest, especially after he feels tired from playing sports;

Open the door after a few minutes and let it walk out by itself.

After repeating this exercise for a few weeks, slowly stretch out the time alone until it can be alone for an hour.

If your puppy is restless at first when left alone and keeps barking or scratching at the door, next time you can shorten his alone time and progress the training a bit more slowly.

It is important to grasp the rhythm of time and the frequency of training. The initial alone time can be as short as seconds.

When the puppy is finally willing to be alone in the room, use the same method to train other rooms in the house.

When the puppy is willing to be alone in any room of the house, you need to repeat this exercise, but this time is to train it to stay in the house alone. If the previous training went well, it shouldn’t take too long this time.

It should be noted that when you leave your dog alone at home, it is necessary to prepare enough food and water. At this time,automatic feedersandwater dispensersneed to be used.




Post time: Jan-03-2023